Amazon EC2 not working when accessing through public IP

Amazon EC2 not working when accessing through public IP

The instance is running fine and If your EC2 Public IP not working then follow these steps to configure your AWS Public IP

Step 1 :- Then first check your AWS security group and make sure all the inbound traffic rules are fine.

Step 2 :- Windows firewall can also play a role in disallowing the access via public IP. Create a new Rule for allowing access for HTTP and HTTPS ports (80,443).

Step 3 :- Create security group with request you are wish to grant access.

Step 4 :- Then add the specific security group to network interface

Step 5 :- Click on Add Rule Button then add new HTTP type rule then Click on Save rules button

Steps 6 :- Allocate Elastic IP address to current instance

Step 7 :- Go to your Instance summery page and click on Public IPv4 address. Its working now.

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